Friday, August 14, 2009

NC - August 9-16, 2009

It's my 2nd year at the beach and this year, we went with my new baby brother, Jonathan. Mommy and daddy had to lug a lot of stuff to the airport, but we made it safe (with the exception of me having a naptime meltdown - I usually go to bed at noonish, but we didn't take off until 1:30pm!) Other than that, me, my dvd player and Pinnochio and Little Mermaid II got us to the house in one piece. Ma-Mom, Aunt Susan, Aunt Darlene, Uncle John and Cousin Maddy were there to greet us!! It was HOT the first 2 days and rained on and off the rest of the trip, but I still got to play at the beach and swim in the "wimming pool"

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