Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cold January - 1/15/09

Well, it's freezing cold outside (it was 0 yesterday and is about 8 today) and I am trying to find fun things for us to do inside! Baby Einstein E, I, E, I, O is your favorite the past few days. We took a jacuzzi tub and made "bubble pancakes" - one of your two word phrases I forgot to tell Dr. Haukness about at your 18 month check-up yesterday. Which, by the way, you did great at. You had 2 shots - a flu and Hepatitis A. You got a sucker before the shots, so you weren't too upset. We colored and played with play-doh and did everything possible to keep you busy! Now, it's almost bed time - let's hope you go to bed fast - mommy is beat!

New words/phrases: "Princess, Sit Down, WhazzzUp (kind of), More Please"

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